Anybody that has worked in a construction company has probably seen that the selling process is mostly detached from the actual estimation process. However, this is basically a costly mistake. The person that does the selling should be involved in the cost estimation process.
Here are the reasons:
- Efforts duplication- When selling and estimation are separated, efforts are duplicated. This means two people are paid to do almost the same job and this can be costly for the contractor.
- Fewer errors- When the person that sells is allowed to handle cost estimation, errors are reduced. That’s because they know what they told the client when selling and what to include in the estimate.
- Faster process- Effective and quick interaction with clients goes a long way in enhancing the growth of a construction business. Separating selling and estimating systems creates obstacles that delay processes. This can turn clients away.
In a construction project, an experienced cost estimator should handle cost estimation. This can be a professional in a construction company or an independent cost estimator. An experienced construction cost estimator knows the costs of a construction project. They are familiar with construction blueprints and supplies. This enables them to give a more accurate and clear forecast of the amount a construction project will most likely cost before it takes off.
Why Work with an Experienced Cost Estimator
Each construction project is different. Your construction project has unique variables. For instance, each project has a unique design, labor, and material needs. These are just some of the factors to consider when providing a cost estimate. Overestimating or underestimating the cost of a construction project can have detrimental consequences.
Construction cost estimation is a practice that should answer all cost-related questions of a project. However, only an experienced cost estimator can answer these questions properly. What’s more, cost estimation techniques have improved considerably in terms of complexity and sophistication. That’s why you should get your cost estimate from an experienced cost estimator.
Talk to your contractor about cost estimation at the preconstruction stage to know who will handle it.