Most construction companies focus on the use of certain procedures or tools to enhance efficiency. However, lean construction is more of a philosophy rather than a process. As such, the proper application of lean methods and ideas is the best way of obtaining its benefits. And, this should be done at every stage of a construction project and organizational level. Here’s how a team can implement the philosophy of lean construction.
Allowing the Workers Autonomy
Every worker should understand their role at a construction site. They should also be respected by working together, encouraging them when it comes to solving problems, and providing improvement suggestions. This should be established as a relationship-based culture at work. It can be achieved by training the workers and ensuring that they know their roles during the project.
Continuous Improvement
To reap more benefits from the philosophy of lean construction, a team should evaluate the existing processes continuously. This evaluation will enable the team to identify areas that can be improved. Essentially, a team should look for all kinds of inefficiencies in scheduling, transport, processing, inventory, work quality, and movement among others.
Preventative Maintenance
The equipment and processes that a construction project depends on should be in good shape. This can be achieved by ensuring their regular maintenance. A reduction in the productivity of construction equipment can affect efficiency and project profit significantly. Therefore, lean construction should entail the proper management and maintenance of equipment and processes.
Proper Planning and Scheduling
Scheduling the work, planning, and coordinating with the involved parties will reduce worksite downtime. This will eliminate time wastage as workers wait for materials to be supplied.
Setting Goals with the Priorities of the Client in Mind
Every decision that is made during lean construction should be focused on maximizing value for the construction company and the client. Any construction process that doesn’t add value deserves elimination. Therefore, the construction team should meet the client and set goals with the priorities of the client in mind.
The popularity of lean construction has increased over recent years. That’s because it yields significant benefits when implemented properly. Follow these guidelines to ensure proper implementation of lean construction philosophy in your construction project.